Psalmorum Davidis, V (4), Excerpts
Manuscript copy D-KNh , R 1164
Composer cross-reference: [Alleged]
Text author: [Ascertained]
Scoring summary: V (4)
Language of Text: Latin
Subject: Sacred songs, Motets
Original Title: [heading:] Melodien aus: Psalmorum Davidis Paraphrasis poetica Georgii Buchanani Scoti: Argumentis ac melodijs explicata | opera et studio Nathanis Chytraei. Herbonae M D XC (1590)
  • Source type
    Source type: Manuscript copy
    Content type: Notated music
    Format, extent: score incpl: p.27-34
Shelfmark (olim): G 249, M 1034
1.1.1; Ps. I.; S; 7t
(Text nach der Druckvorlage ergänzt)
Felix ille animi quem non
Scoring: S, A, T, B
Notes: Untextierte Spartierung der im Druck in chorbuchartiger Notation dargestellten Choralsätze.
RISM A/I and B references: A/I O 65
Library (siglum) shelfmark: R 1164
RISM ID no.: 450062170
Last update: October 16, 2022