Text author:
Text author: [Ascertained]
Text author: [Ascertained]
Text author: [Ascertained]
Text author: [Ascertained]
Scoring summary: i (2), bc
Language of Text: French
Subject: Tragédies lyriques
Catalog of works:
Original Title: [heading, p.1:] Bellerophon
Source type
Source type: Manuscript copy
Content type: Notated music
Format, extent: 2 parts
Parts held and extent: i 1, 2: p.1-11, 1-11
b or bc missing
1.1.1; Ouverture.; i 1; C
1.2.1; [heading, p.1:] Rondeau.; i 1; C
1.3.1; [heading, p.2:] Rondeau.; i 1; C
1.4.1; [heading, p.2:] les Amazones / [Premier Air].; i 1; C
1.5.1; [heading, p.3:] Lenfer / [Fanfare].; i 1; C
1.6.1; [heading, p.3:] le plaisirs.; i 1; C
[Les plaisirs nous preparent]
1.7.1; [heading, p.4:] Menuet.; i 1; C
1.8.1; [heading, p.4:] prelude air.; i 1; C
1.9.1; [heading, p.4:] Air.; i 1; a
1.10.1; [heading, p.5:] Air.; i 1; a
[Faisons cesser nos allarmes]
1.11.1; [heading, p.5:] Prelude.; i 1; B|b
1.12.1; [heading, p.6:] trio Air.; i 1; B|b
1.13.1; [heading, p.6:] Prelude.; i 1; g
1.14.1; [heading of the 2. part, p.7:] les magiciens et sorciers.; i 1; g
1.15.1; [heading, p.8:] Rondeau en trio.; i 1; g
[Assez de pleurs ont suivy nos malheurs]
1.16.1; [heading, p.8:] la marche du sacrifice.; i 1
1.17.1; [heading, p.8:] Gautte / [Gavotte].; i 1; G
[Le malheur qui nous accable]
1.18.1; [heading, p.9:] Bure / [Bourrèe].; i 1; G
[Montrons notre allégresse]
1.19.1; [heading of the 2. part, p.9:] Prelude.; i 1; F
[Espère en ta valeur]
1.20.1; [heading, p.10:] Marche de Bachante.; i 1; F
1.21.1; [heading of the 2. part, p.10:] Gigue des Bachantes.; i 1; F
1.22.1; [heading, p.10:] Menuet.; i 1; F
1.23.1; [heading of the 2. part, p.11:] Menuet.; i 1
[Pourquoi n'avoir pas le coeur]
Scoring: 2, bc
Notes: Schlüssel: G-Schlüssel auf 1. Linie (1. Stimme), Sopran-Schlüssel (2. Stimme)
Enthalten in Sammelhandschrift als [Nr. 1-23]
Enthalten in Sammelhandschrift als [Nr. 1-23]
Note on performance: Performance date: 31.01.1679 Paris, Opéra
Library (siglum) shelfmark:
Ms 59
RISM ID no.: 450027725
Last update: October 16, 2022
Last update: October 16, 2022