Vespers, V (4), orch, org in C major
Manuscript copy
D-OB , MO 815
Scoring summary: V (4), orch, org
Language of Text: Latin
Subject: Vespers
Scoring: S, A, T, B, vl (2), vlne, clno (2), trb (2), timp, org
Liturgical festival: Mariae (B.V.)
Original Title: Vesperae | de | B. V. M. | à | 4. Vocibus Concertantibus | 2. Violini | 2. Tromboni | 2. Clarini | è | Tympani | Con | Organo | è | Violone. | Del Sig: Tuma.
Source type:
Source type: Manuscript copy
Content type: Notated music
1740 (1740c)
Format, extent: 11 parts
Dimensions: 31,5 x 21 cm
Parts held and extent: S, A, T, B, vl 1, 2, vlne, org, clno 1, 2, timp: 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1f.
Watermark description:
IGS [countermark: eagle (doble-headed, crowned)]; [= KBM 6 143]
trb 1, 2 missing
1.1.1; vl 1
1.1.2; S
Dixit Dominus, Domino meo sede a dextris meis
Notes: Wasserzeichen "KBM 6 143": Papiermühle unbekannt
Bibliographic reference:
Library (siglum) shelfmark:
MO 815
RISM ID no.: 450008351
Last update: October 16, 2022
Last update: October 16, 2022