Hercules auf dem Scheidewege, V (4), Coro, orch, BWV 213/1, BWV 213/13, Excerpts
Manuscript copy D-DS , Mus.ms 1313
Scoring summary: V (4), Coro, orch
Language of Text: German
Subject: Cantatas, Stage music
Catalog of works: 213/1 213/13
Original Title: J. J. Drama a 4 v. 2 Corni, 2 Hautb. | 2 Vlini, Vlc e Cont. di Bach | Gluckwünschungs Cantate | auf einen sachs-Prinzen | à Soprano, Echo, Alto, Tenore e Basso, 2 Corni 2 Hautb. 2 Viol. 2 Viole conc. | Viola e Continuo di J. S. Bach | Die Wahl des Hercules Chor. No: 1."Lasst uns sorgen lasst uns wachen" [...]
  • Source type
    Source type: Manuscript copy
    Content type: Notated music
    1800-1849 (19.1d)
    Format, extent: score (incpl): 6f.
    Dimensions: 33,5 x 26,5 cm
Laßt uns sorgen laßt uns wachen
Lust der Völker
Scoring: S, A, T, B, Coro, vla conc (2), vl (2), vla, vlc, ob (2), cor (2), bc
Library (siglum) shelfmark: Mus.ms 1313
RISM ID no.: 450003525
Last update: October 16, 2022