Antigono, S, pf, GluckWV-online GluckWV 1.20 , WotG 1A.21, Excerpts
Manuscript copy CH-BEl , SLA-Mus-JL MLHs 125/2/1
Scoring summary: S, pf
Language of Text: Italian
Subject: Operas, Arias (voc.)
Catalog of works: 1A.21 GluckWV 1.20
Original Title: [caption title:] Scene und Aria aus der Oper: Antigono (Rom 1754) | von | Christoph Willibald Ritter von Gluck (1714-1787)
  • Source type:
    Source type: Manuscript copy
    Content type: Notated music
    Format, extent: 1 piano score: p. 1-8
1.1.1; Recit[ativo accompagnato]; S; Berenice
Berenice, che fai? Muore il tuo bene
1.2.1; ARIA Fieramente, un poco animato; S; Berenice; B|b
Perchè se tanti siete che delirar mi fate
1.2.2; pf
Event place:
Roles: Berenice, principessa d'Egitto, promessa sposa d'Antigono (S)
Contents note: Dramma per musica in drei Akten, daraus Rezitativ und Arie (Nr. 23) aus dem 3. Akt, 7. Szene.
External Links: GluckWV-online
Bibliographic reference: deest
Library (siglum) shelfmark: SLA-Mus-JL MLHs 125/2/1
RISM ID no.: 402009940
Last update: June 11, 2023