Der Jüngling, V, pf, GluckWV-online GluckWV 4.2.7, LiebeskindE 1911 A.10, WotG 1B.4 in Bb major
Manuscript copy CH-BEl , SLA-Mus-JL MLHs 116/6
Text author:
Scoring summary: V, pf
Language of Text: German
Subject: Lieder
Catalog of works: 1B.4 A.10 GluckWV 4.2.7
Original Title: [caption title:] Ode: der Jüngling von Klopstock. comp von Gluck | Göttinger Musenalmanach 1775.
  • Source type
    Source type: Manuscript copy
    Content type: Notated music
    Format, extent: 1 part
    Parts held and extent: pf with text: p. 124
1.1.1; V
Schweigend sahe der Mai
Contents note: Nr. 4 aus "Klopstocks Oden und Lieder beym Clavier zu singen". Vertonug b (1. Fassung).
External Links: GluckWV-online
Bibliographic reference: p. 17
Library (siglum) shelfmark: SLA-Mus-JL MLHs 116/6
RISM ID no.: 402009904
Last update: October 16, 2022