Offertories, V (4), org, orch
Manuscript copy CH-SAf , MusSAf.Ms.458
Scoring summary: V (4), org, orch
Subject: Offertories
Original Title: [org, title page:] IV Offertoria. | a. | Canto, Alto, Tenore, Basso. | Violino Primo et Secundo. | Oboe 1mo et 2do. | Cornu 1 et 2. | Viola è Organo. | Autore | Bachschmid.
  • Source type
    Source type: Manuscript copy
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: [s.l.]
    Publisher, copyist: [s.n.]
    Format, extent: 12 parts
    Dimensions: 24 x 33 cm
    Parts held and extent: S, A, T, B; vl 1, 2, vla, org (= bc.fig); ob 1, 2; cor in F and clno in C 1, 2: 2, 2, 2, 2; 4, 4, 4, 4; 2, 2; 1, 1f.
Shelfmark (olim): Musikbibl.B 26
Notes: Vermerk am Schluss der Orgelstimme: "c. a. L. I. 1795"
Bibliographic reference:
Library (siglum) shelfmark: MusSAf.Ms.458
RISM ID no.: 400112845
Last update: October 16, 2022