Dedicatee: [Ascertained]
Dedicatee: [Ascertained]
Scoring summary: V (5)
Language of Text: German
Subject: Wedding music
Original Title: [title page:] Ein Hochzeit gesang | Dem Erbaren vnnd Wolge= | achten FRIDERICH HARTMAN | Buch=bindern vnd hendlern in der Stadt Franck= | furdt an der Oder / Breutigam: | Vnd auch | Der Erbarn vnd vieltugentsamen Jungfrawen Abdreæ | Schönefelders / Bürger vnd einwohner zu Franckfurdt an der | Oder / Eheliche Tochter/ Braut: meinem geliebten Herrn | Schwager vnd Schwägerunnen / zu sonderen Rhren vnd | gefallen / mit Fūnff Stimmen componiret. | Durch | FRIDERICVM PITTANNVM Francof. | Musicum Bernouiensem.
Source type
Source type: Print
Content type: Notated music
Publishing, printing and production information
Place: Frankfurt (Oder) [verified]
Format, extent: parts
Format, extent: 1 part: 2 f.
Provenance note: Bibliotheca Rudolphina, Königliche Ritterakademie zu Liegnitz, Legnica, Georg Rudolf, Herzog von Schlesien-Liegnitz-Brieg
1.1.1; S
Freundlich von art lieblich vnd zart
Scoring: V (5)
Notes: This record was merged with RISM ID number 990049915.
RISM A/I and B references: A/I P 2478
Source of description note: PL-WRu 51230 Muz.
Bibliographic reference:
no 174
p. 78
PL-LEtpn , Biblioteka Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk [no indication]
Library (siglum):
Material held:
PL-WRu , Biblioteka Uniwersytecka 51230 Muz.
Library (siglum):
Former owner:
Former owner:
Former owner:
Bibliographic reference:
no 174
p. 78
Former owner:
Former owner:
Material held:
Notes: f.2v leer; Zusammengebunden mit coll. 301010294
Shelfmark (olim): Libr. Mus. 67; Rud. 5088
Provenance: Bibliotheca Rudolphina; Königliche Ritterakademie zu Liegnitz, Legnica
Parts: 1 part: 2 f.
Notes: f.2v leer; Zusammengebunden mit coll. 301010294
Shelfmark (olim): Libr. Mus. 67; Rud. 5088
Provenance: Bibliotheca Rudolphina; Königliche Ritterakademie zu Liegnitz, Legnica
Parts: 1 part: 2 f.
PL-Wn , Biblioteka Narodowa A, T
Library (siglum):
Material held:
no indication
RISM ID no.: 301010447
Last update: October 8, 2024
Last update: October 8, 2024