Scoring summary: org
Original Title: [without title]
  • Source type
    Source type: Manuscript copy
    Content type: Notated music
    1612 (1612p)
    Format, extent: part (Tablature)
    Dimensions: 22 x 32,5 cm
    Parts held and extent: org: 232f.
    Watermark description
    W [crowned]; [head with cap in a cartouche]
Shelfmark (olim): Libr.Mus.98, 5229
Former owner:
Former owner:
Former owner:
Provenance note: Bibliotheca Rudolphina, Königliche Ritterakademie zu Liegnitz, Legnica, Georg Rudolf, Herzog von Schlesien-Liegnitz-Brieg
Scoring: org
Notes: New German organ tablature.
On f.105r: "Tabulatur. Pars Altera Abrahamo Schadeo".
Most of the pieces are transcriptions of the vocal pieces from antology "Promptuarii musici, collectore Abrahamo Schadeo" published in Strassburg 1611-1617.
Bibliographic reference: p.19-23, no.16/1-210 p.121, no.33 vol.2, p.262-271 no.258 p.55-197
Library (siglum) shelfmark: Mus.327 Cim.
RISM ID no.: 300505000
Last update: June 11, 2023