Scoring summary: Coro
Original Title: Joh. Seb. Bachs Motetten. | [indication of part]
Source type
Source type: Manuscript copy
Content type: Notated music
1800-1810 (
Format, extent: 9 parts
Dimensions: 36 x 21,5 (22) cm
Parts held and extent: Coro 1: S, S 2, A, T, B, Coro 2: S, A, T, B: 16, 5, 16, 16, 16, 10, 10, 10, 10f.
Former owner:
Provenance note: Paedagogium, Niesky
Scoring: Coro S (2), Coro A, Coro T, Coro B, Coro S, Coro A, Coro T, Coro B
Notes: Wohl nach den 1803 bei Breitkopf und Härtel erschienenen Partituren kopiert (vergleiche die Tempobezeichnungen)
RISM A/I and B references: A/I B 447
Library (siglum) shelfmark:
Mus.M 102:1
RISM ID no.: 220014080
Last update: September 25, 2023
Last update: September 25, 2023