Scoring summary: V (2), bc
Language of Text: Latin
Subject: Sacred concerts (voc.), Sacred songs
Scoring: A, B, bc
Original Title: [bc:] O panis Angelic etc. | â 2. | Alto | Basso | con | Continuo | di | G. Beer. | [Monogram:] SJ [= Samuel Jacobi] | Dominica Invocavit. 1703.
  • Source type:
    Source type: Manuscript copy
    Content type: Notated music
    1703 (1703c)
    Format, extent: 3 part
    Dimensions: 32,5 x 20 cm
    Parts held and extent: A, B, bc (= b.fig): 1, 1, 2f.
    Copyist: [Ascertained]
Shelfmark (olim): U. 27, O. 6
Former owner: [Ascertained]
Former owner:
1.1.1; A; C
O panis angelice, o panis amande
1.2.1; B
O quantum recreas o quantum saucias angelorum
1.3.1; A
Tu signum tu tessera sinceri amoris
Te semper idem esse, vivere et intellegere
1.5.1; A; C
Other: [Ascertained]
Notes: Auf dem Titelblatt der bc-Stimme mit Bleistift die alte Signatur "O. 6"; am oberen Rand von H. L. Hartmann "U. 27"

Library (siglum) shelfmark: Mus.2178-E-501
RISM ID no.: 211004309
Last update: June 22, 2023