Spanisches Lied, V, pf in D major
Manuscript copy D-ZI , Ps.fol.239-24
Scoring summary: V, pf
Language of Text: German
Subject: Lieder
Original Title: [caption title, middle:] Spanisches Lied. [right side:] v: Reichhard. [!]
  • Source type
    Source type: Manuscript copy
    Content type: Notated music
    Format, extent: 1 part
    Parts held and extent: V and pf: f.16r
1.1.1; Allegretto; V; D
Nach Sevilla wo die hohen Prachtgebäude
Scoring: V, pf
Library (siglum) shelfmark: Ps.fol.239-24
RISM ID no.: 201002648
Last update: November 21, 2024