Quis desiderio sit pudor, Coro, orch, GraunWV B:VIII:1, GruG 62
Other title: Cantata in obitum Friderici Guilielmi Regis Borussorum beati defuncti
Manuscript copy S-Skma , KO-R
Text author: [Ascertained]
Scoring summary: Coro, orch
Language of Text: Latin
Subject: Cantatas, Funeral music
Scoring: Coro, orch
Catalog of works: B:VIII:1 62
Original Title: Trauer Music | auf den tödlichen Eintritt des Höchst= | seligsten Königs | von Preussen | Herrn Herrn [!] Friedrich Willhellms | 1740. | [by later hand: del Sig: Graunn]
  • Source type:
    Source type: Manuscript copy
    Content type: Notated music
    1740-1760 (18.me)
    Format, extent: score: 15f.
    Watermark description:
    Copyist: [Ascertained]
Bibliographic reference: vol.3, p.763
Library (siglum) shelfmark: KO-R
RISM ID no.: 190021569
Last update: October 16, 2022