Meine Seel' erhebt den Herren, V (4), Coro, orch, BWV 10 in G minor
Autograph manuscript
US-Wc , ML30.86B2 M4
Scoring summary: V (4), Coro, orch
Language of Text: German
Subject: Cantatas, Sacred songs
Liturgical festival: Mariae (B.V.) Visitatio
Catalog of works:
Original Title: [title page, in Johann Andreas Kuhnau's hand:] Festo Visitationis | Maria | Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn | â | 4 Voc: | Tromba | 2 Hautbois | 2 Violini | Viola | e | Continuo | di Sign: | JS Bach
Source type
Source type: Autograph manuscript
Content type: Notated music
1724 (1724)
Format, extent: score: 12f., 17p.
Dimensions: 36 x 21,5 cm
Former owner:
Former owner: [Ascertained]
Former owner:
Former owner:
Former owner:
Former owner:
Former owner: [Ascertained]
Former owner:
Former owner:
Former owner:
Former owner:
Provenance note: Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann, Pistor, Carl Heinrich Philipp, Rudorff, Adolf Friedrich August, Rudorff, Ernst, Spitta, Philipp, Wittgenstein, Paul
1.1.1; Chorus.; vl 1; g
1.1.2; S coro
Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn
1.2.1; Aria.; B|b
Herr der du stark und mächtig bist
1.3.1; Recitativo.; g
Der Höchsten Güt' und Treu'
1.4.1; F
1.5.1; [Duet].; d
Er denket der Barmherzigkeit
1.6.1; Recitativo.; B|b; g
Was Gott den Vätern alter Zeiten
1.7.1; [Chorale].; g
Lob und Preis sei Gott dem Vater und dem Sohn
Scoring: S, A, T, B, Coro S, Coro A, Coro T, Coro B, vl (2), vla, b, ob (2), tr, bc
Notes: Caption title, f.1r, in the composer's hand: "J. J. Festo Visitationis Mariae. Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn"
f.2r, 2v, 11v, 12r, 12v are unnotated
Caption title, f.2r: "J. J. Festo Visitationis Mariae. Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn"
Title page written by Johann Andreas Kuhnau
Manuscript underwent extensive restoration in 1981
f.2r, 2v, 11v, 12r, 12v are unnotated
Caption title, f.2r: "J. J. Festo Visitationis Mariae. Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn"
Title page written by Johann Andreas Kuhnau
Manuscript underwent extensive restoration in 1981
Note on performance: Performance date: 02.06.1724 Leipzig
Bibliographic reference:
Library (siglum) shelfmark:
ML30.86B2 M4
RISM ID no.: 102323
Last update: October 16, 2022
Last update: October 16, 2022