Meine Seel' erhebt den Herren, V (4), Coro, orch, BWV 10 in G minor
Autograph manuscript US-Wc , ML30.86B2 M4
Scoring summary: V (4), Coro, orch
Language of Text: German
Subject: Cantatas, Sacred songs
Liturgical festival: Mariae (B.V.) Visitatio
Catalog of works: 10
Original Title: [title page, in Johann Andreas Kuhnau's hand:] Festo Visitationis | Maria | Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn | â | 4 Voc: | Tromba | 2 Hautbois | 2 Violini | Viola | e | Continuo | di Sign: | JS Bach
  • Source type
    Source type: Autograph manuscript
    Content type: Notated music
    1724 (1724)
    Format, extent: score: 12f., 17p.
    Dimensions: 36 x 21,5 cm
Former owner:
Former owner: [Ascertained]
Former owner:
Former owner:
Former owner:
Former owner:
Provenance note: Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann, Pistor, Carl Heinrich Philipp, Rudorff, Adolf Friedrich August, Rudorff, Ernst, Spitta, Philipp, Wittgenstein, Paul
1.1.1; Chorus.; vl 1; g
1.1.2; S coro
Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn
1.2.1; Aria.; B|b
Herr der du stark und mächtig bist
1.3.1; Recitativo.; g
Der Höchsten Güt' und Treu'
1.4.1; F
1.5.1; [Duet].; d
Er denket der Barmherzigkeit
1.6.1; Recitativo.; B|b; g
Was Gott den Vätern alter Zeiten
1.7.1; [Chorale].; g
Lob und Preis sei Gott dem Vater und dem Sohn
Scoring: S, A, T, B, Coro S, Coro A, Coro T, Coro B, vl (2), vla, b, ob (2), tr, bc
Notes: Caption title, f.1r, in the composer's hand: "J. J. Festo Visitationis Mariae. Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn"
f.2r, 2v, 11v, 12r, 12v are unnotated
Caption title, f.2r: "J. J. Festo Visitationis Mariae. Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn"
Title page written by Johann Andreas Kuhnau
Manuscript underwent extensive restoration in 1981
Note on performance: Performance date: 02.06.1724 Leipzig
Bibliographic reference: p.46-49
Library (siglum) shelfmark: ML30.86B2 M4
RISM ID no.: 102323
Last update: October 16, 2022