Preludes and Fugues, cemb, BWV 892/2, Excerpts in B major
Manuscript copy US-Cn , Case MS 6A 72
Scoring summary: cemb
Subject: Fugues (inst.)
Catalog of works: 892/2
Original Title: [title page, f.1r:] Autograph Johann Sebastian Bachs | Fuge aus dem wohltemperirten Clavier aus dem Nachlass | der lieblings schülerin Friedemann Bachs, der Madame | Sarah Levy geb. Itzig zu Berlin, [space] Justus Amadeus Lecerf.
  • Source type
    Source type: Manuscript copy
    Content type: Notated music
    1740-1760 (
    Format, extent: 1 parts
    Dimensions: 33,5 x 21 cm
    Parts held and extent: cemb: 4p.
Former owner:
Former owner:
Provenance note: Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann, Levy, Sara
1.1.1; Fuge.; cemb
Scoring: cemb
Notes: Caption title, f.1v: "Fuga à 4"
Bibliographic reference: no.54 p.377 p.70-71
Library (siglum) shelfmark: Case MS 6A 72
RISM ID no.: 101972
Last update: October 16, 2022