Dienet dem Herrn mit Freuden, V (4), orch, b, BR-WFB F 25, Fk 84, Excerpts
Manuscript copy US-CA , bMS Mus 93
Scoring summary: V (4), orch, b
Language of Text: German
Subject: Cantatas, Sacred songs
Catalog of works: F 25 84
Original Title: [caption title, f.1r:] dienet dem Hrn. mit Freuden di Sigr. W. F. Bach
  • Source type
    Source type: Manuscript copy
    Content type: Notated music
    1767 (1767)
    Format, extent: score: 6f.
    Dimensions: 34 x 21 cm
    Copyist: [Ascertained]
Former owner: [Ascertained]
Former owner: [Ascertained]
Provenance note: Hauser, Franz, Weston, George Benson
1.1.1; Un poco allegro; vl 1; E|b
1.1.2; A
Dienet dem Herrn mit Freuden
1.2.1; Fuga.; c
Kommt vor sein Angesicht
Scoring: S, A, T, B, vl (2), vla, vlc, cor (2), b
Notes: Incomplete: contains the opening chorus only
At tail of second system, f.6v: "Fine. d. 14. Aug. 1767"
At tail of f.1r, pencil: "44"
Received by US-CA in 1956 from G. B. Weston
Bibliographic reference: no.39
Library (siglum) shelfmark: bMS Mus 93
RISM ID no.: 100935
Last update: October 16, 2022