Preludes and Fugues, pf 4hands, BWV 545 in C major
Manuscript copy US-Bc , ohne Signatur
Scoring summary: pf 4hands
Subject: Fugues (inst.), Preludes
Catalog of works: 545
Original Title: [title page:] Fugues | à quatre mains | par | Sebastian Bach
  • Source type
    Source type: Manuscript copy
    Content type: Notated music
    1800-1899 (19.sc)
    Format, extent: score: 6f.
    Dimensions: 20 x 33 cm
Former owner:
Provenance note: H. M. A.
1.1.1; Fugue.; pf
Scoring: pf 4hands
Notes: Caption title, f.2v and 3r: "Fuge von S: Bach"
Secondo part on verso, primo part on recto leaves
Received by US Bc as a gift of "H M A."
Library (siglum) shelfmark: ohne Signatur
RISM ID no.: 100794
Last update: October 16, 2022