Scoring summary: Coro
Language of Text: Latin
Subject: Introits
Liturgical festival: Mariae (B.V.) Assumptio
Original Title: [without title]
  • Source type
    Source type: Manuscript copy
    Content type: Notated music
    before 2021
    Format, extent: 1 partbook: f. 1
    Dimensions: 22 x 35 cm
    Parts held and extent: Coro: C: 1 f.
    [pl-text: foliacja dopisana ołówkiem]; [pl-text: Inskrypcje – księga D,k. 9r – „Officium de Assumcio[n]e BMV”; T, k. 8r - „Officium de Assumcione BMV”; B, k. 6r – napis najprawdopodobniej identyczny jak w T, górna część napisu ucięta przy oprawie. Całość oficjum ujęta na kartach WM 3/5a-h.]
Shelfmark (olim): WM 3/5a, BAUM Ch.202
1.1.1; Officium de Assumptione BMV; D; G
Gaudeamus omnes
Scoring: Discantus, T, B
Notes: [pl-text: Kopista A (Mikołaj z Poznania)]
Correlated source: 300257971 [Correlated source] Concordance: PL-Kk Kk.I.1 ; 300258052 [Correlated source] Concordance: PL-Kk Kk.I.2 ; 1001150733 [Correlated source] Concordance: PL-Kk Kk.I.162
Library (siglum) shelfmark: Kk.I.3
RISM ID no.: 1001145497
Last update: November 20, 2023