Elegies, pf in F minor
Scoring summary: pf
Subject: Elegies (inst./voc.)
Original Title: [caption titile:] ELEGIE. | J. Filtsch | Oeuvre 2.
  • Source type
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information
    Place: Vienne
    Publisher, copyist: Pietro Mechetti quondam Carlo
    Location of printer: Vienne
    Name of printer: Lith. de la Cour Imp. et R|le. de A. Grube
    Format, extent: 1 part
    Dimensions: 32 x 25,5 cm
    Parts held and extent: pf: p. 3-4
    Plate or publisher number
    Plate number: P. M. N|o. 4814
1.1.1; Andante; pf; f
Scoring: pf
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Slovak Republic
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Notes: On the bottom of title page is a stamp: "G. Heckenast´s Nachf. | Rudolf Drodtleff | BUCH- KUNST- | MUSIKALIEN-HANDLUNG | Antiquariat Leihbibliothek | Pressburg. | Heckenast G. utóda | DRODTLEFF RUDOLF | Uj és ócska könyv- ma- | és zenemükereskedés. | Kölcsönkönyvár | POZSONYBAN."; At the top left is a handwritten with a pencil: "Mit ...(unreadable)".
RISM ID no.: 1001084140
Last update: October 16, 2022