3 Cantatas
Manuscript copy
PL-Wu , RM 5915
Original Title: [score, f. 1r:] B. 141 | Drei Cantaten | von | Joh. Seb. Bach
Source type
Source type: Manuscript copy
Content type: Notated music
Format, extent: score: 97f.
Dimensions: 33 x 26,5 cm
Shelfmark (olim): Mf 5011, B.141
Former owner:
Former owner:
Former owner:
Former owner:
Former owner:
Provenance note: Musikalisches Institut bei der Universität Breslau, Breslau, Königliches akademisches Institut für Kirchenmusik Breslau, Breslau
Notes: Table of contents on f. 2r: "a. Oratorium Festo Paschali. a 4 voci. 3 Trombe, Tamburri. | 2 Oboe. 2 Violini, Viola, Bassono e Continuo. | Kommt eilet und laufet. [below:] b. Feria di Pentecostes | Erschallet ihr Lieder a 4 Voci, 3 Trombe, Oboe, Fagotto, 2 Violini, 2 Viole | Tamburri, Timpano, Violoncello e Organo. [below:] c. Feste Johannis. | Freue dich erlöste Schaar a 4 Voci, 2 Trombe, Tympani, 2 Oboi, Violino conc. | 2 Violini rip, Viola e Continuo"
Each cantata has its own, separate title page or headings and page numbers
Contemporary foliation, in pencil, in the upper right corner.
Description of this source you can also see on www.bach-digital.de
Microfilm shelfmark Mikr. 750 /5
Each cantata has its own, separate title page or headings and page numbers
Contemporary foliation, in pencil, in the upper right corner.
Description of this source you can also see on www.bach-digital.de
Microfilm shelfmark Mikr. 750 /5
External Links: Bach digital
Library (siglum) shelfmark:
RM 5915
RISM ID no.: 1001027703
Last update: April 18, 2024
Last update: April 18, 2024