Scoring summary: pf
Opus number: op. 170
Subject: Waltzes
Catalog of works: 114/170 no.23 170
Original Title: [cover, figural ornaments around the title] MASKEN-Bilder. | Walzer | für das Pianoforte | von | JOSEPH LANNER. | 170tes Werk. | [....] Wien, bei Tobias Haslinger, | k. k. Hof- und privil. Kunst- und Musikalienhändler. | Leipzig, in dessen Verlags-Expedition und bei Fr. Hofmeister
  • Source type:
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    Publishing, printing and production information:
    Place: Wien
    Publisher, copyist: Tobias Haslinger
    Format, extent: 1 score: 7p.
    Dimensions: 26 x 35 cm
    Plate or publisher number:
    Plate number: T. H. 8251
    Watermark description:
    [without watermark]
    Titel und umgebendes Rankwerk in brauner Farbe gestochen
1.1.1; Introduction. Tempo di Polacca; pf; D
Scoring: pf
Bibliographic reference: 3/1841, p. 39
Library (siglum) shelfmark: 1385
RISM ID no.: 1001026004
Last update: June 11, 2023