Assumpta est Maria, V (3)
Scoring summary: V (3)
Language of Text: Latin
Subject: Offertories
Scoring: S (2), A
Original Title: [caption title, f. 1r:] Assumpta est. Offertorium von Jos. Schildknecht.
  • Source type:
    Source type: Print
    Content type: Notated music
    [ca. 1895]
    Publishing, printing and production information:
    Place: [s.l.] [s.n.] [ca. 1895] 01
    Publisher, copyist: [s.n.]
    Format, extent: score: 1 f.
    Dimensions: 26 x 34 cm
    Plate or publisher number:
    Plate number: without publishing number
1.1.1; S 1
Assumpta est Maria, in caelum gaudent angeli
1.1.2; S 2
Assumpta est Maria, in caelum gaudent angeli
1.1.3; A
Assumpta est Maria, in caelum gaudent angeli
Notes: Anonymer Druck nach handschriftlicher Vorlage
Vierstimmige Version (S, A, T, B) mit Opuszahl 9/2 siehe I-BREd DKA M 1715
Source of description note: I-BREd DKA M 1068
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Library (siglum):
Former owner: [Ascertained]
Other: [Ascertained]
Material held: complete
Notes: Auf f. 1r links oben Bleistiftvermerk von Ignaz Mitterer: "Gehört Orgelbegleitung hinzu"; Vor RISM-Katalogisierung in I-BREd in einem Konvolut mit Autographen von Joseph Schildknecht gelegen, betitelt "Schildknecht's Nachlass"
Provenance: "Jos. Schildknecht | Musikdirektor" (Stempel auf f. 1r links oben)
Parts: score: 1 f.
Other physical details: State of preservation: Papier verbräunt
Format: 26 x 34 cm
RISM ID no.: 1001015934
Last update: August 1, 2024